100+ Mind-Boggling What Am I Riddles for Puzzle Lovers!

(Classic What am i Riddles)
Get into the world of timeless classic riddles that have baffled minds for generations. These “What am I” riddles are perfect for testing your logic and creativity. Can you guess the answer before time runs out?
I have keys but open no doors,
I have space but no floors.
What am I?Answer: Keyboard
I’m tall when I’m young,
And short when I’m old,
What am I?Answer: Candle
I’m not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I have a face but no eyes,
Mouth but no voice,
I tell the time but cannot talk.
What am I?Answer: Clock
I have cities, but no houses,
Forests, but no trees,
And rivers, but no water.
What am I?Answer: Map
The more you take, the more you leave behind.
What am I?Answer: Footsteps
I am not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute.
What am I?Answer: Breath
I speak without a mouth and hear without ears.
I have no body, but I come alive with wind.
What am I?Answer: Echo
I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case,
From which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person.
What am I?Answer: Pencil
Explore More Fun Puzzles: Get into our collection of Basement Riddles, Bathtub Riddles, Poker Riddles, and Physics Riddles for a mix of mystery and brain-teasers!
I am always hungry, I must always be fed.
The finger I touch will soon turn red.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I am white when I am dirty,
And black when I am clean.
What am I?Answer: Blackboard
I can be cracked, I can be made,
I can be told, I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I am always in front of you,
But you can never see me.
What am I?Answer: Future
I have a head, a tail, but no body.
What am I?Answer: Coin
I can travel around the world,
But always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I have legs, but never walk.
I have a back, but never talk.
What am I?Answer: Chair
I am a box with no hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
What am I?Answer: Egg
I am something that can be cracked,
Made, told, and played,
What am I?Answer: Joke
I am tall when I’m young,
And short when I’m old.
What am I?Answer: Candle
I am always in front of you,
But you can never see me.
What am I?Answer: Future
I get wetter the more I dry.
What am I?Answer: Towel
I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute.
What am I?Answer: Breath
I am taken from a mine,
And shut up in a wooden case.
What am I?Answer: Pencil
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I have a neck but no head,
I have two arms but no hands.
What am I?Answer: Shirt
I go all around the world but always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I have one eye, but I cannot see.
What am I?Answer: Needle
I can be long or short,
I can be grown or bought,
I can be painted or left bare,
I can be round or square.
What am I?Answer: Nail
I am always with you,
But you never see me.
What am I?Answer: Shadow
I am full of holes but can still hold a lot of weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I’m made of water,
But if you put me in water, I’ll die.
What am I?Answer: Ice
I have no eyes, no ears, but I can tell you the weather.
What am I?Answer: Wind
I can be as big as a house,
But can fit in your pocket.
What am I?Answer: Your imagination
I am invisible, but you can feel me,
I can be light, but I weigh a ton.
What am I?Answer: Air
I always have a lid,
But I am never closed.
What am I?Answer: Jar
I am a house for all,
But I’m not a home.
What am I?Answer: A tent
I have keys but no locks,
I have space but no room.
What am I?Answer: Computer
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
(Best What am i Riddles)
Explore the best “What am I” riddles that will challenge even the sharpest minds. These fun and thought-provoking puzzles are sure to entertain and engage. Ready to put your thinking cap on?
I have keys but open no doors,
I have space but no floors.
What am I?Answer: Keyboard
I’m tall when I’m young,
And short when I’m old.
What am I?Answer: Candle
I have a head, a tail, but no body.
What am I?Answer: Coin
I can be cracked, I can be made,
I can be told, I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I’m full of holes but can hold a lot of weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I can travel around the world,
But always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I get wetter the more I dry.
What am I?Answer: Towel
I speak without a mouth and hear without ears.
I have no body, but I come alive with wind.
What am I?Answer: Echo
I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute.
What am I?Answer: Breath
I am not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I have a face but no eyes,
Mouth but no voice,
I tell the time but cannot talk.
What am I?Answer: Clock
I’m always in front of you,
But you can never see me.
What am I?Answer: Future
I am a box with no hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
What am I?Answer: Egg
I am something that can be cracked,
Made, told, and played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I have cities but no houses,
Forests but no trees,
And rivers but no water.
What am I?Answer: Map
I have one eye, but I can’t see.
What am I?Answer: Needle
I am always with you,
But you never see me.
What am I?Answer: Shadow
I am not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case,
From which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person.
What am I?Answer: Pencil
I can be long or short,
I can be grown or bought,
I can be painted or left bare,
I can be round or square.
What am I?Answer: Nail
I am white when I am dirty,
And black when I am clean.
What am I?Answer: Blackboard
I am the beginning of the end,
And the end of time and space.
What am I?Answer: The letter “E”
I’m not alive, but I can grow;
I don’t have lungs, but I need air.
I don’t have a mouth, but water can kill me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I can be opened but not touched,
I can be closed but not locked.
What am I?Answer: Book
I go all around the world but always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I have keys but no locks,
I have space but no rooms.
You can enter, but never leave.
What am I?Answer: Computer
I am often served, but never eaten.
What am I?Answer: A tennis ball
I have no eyes, no ears, but I can tell you the weather.
What am I?Answer: Wind
I am full of words, but have no mouth.
What am I?Answer: Book
I am invisible but you can feel me,
I can be light, but I weigh a ton.
What am I?Answer: Air
I can be smooth or rough,
I am full of holes,
But I can still hold weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I’m a house for all,
But I’m not a home.
What am I?Answer: Tent
I can run, but never walk,
I have a bed, but never sleep.
What am I?Answer: River
I’m shiny and round,
But not a ring.
I can be something you write with,
Or eat for breakfast.
What am I?Answer: Pen
(What am i Riddles for Kids and Adults)
Whether you’re young or young at heart, these “What am I” riddles are perfect for everyone! Simple, tricky, and fun challenge yourself and others today. Who can solve them the fastest?
I have a heart that doesn’t beat,
I have a mouth but cannot speak.
What am I?Answer: Artichoke
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I can be long or short,
I can be grown or bought,
I can be painted or left bare,
I can be round or square.
What am I?Answer: Nail
I’m tall when I’m young,
And short when I’m old.
What am I?Answer: Candle
I have keys but open no doors,
I have space but no floors.
What am I?Answer: Keyboard
I am full of holes but can hold a lot of weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I am a house for all,
But I’m not a home.
What am I?Answer: Tent
I have one eye but can’t see,
I’m small and sharp,
What am I?Answer: Needle
I am taken from a mine,
And shut up in a wooden case,
From which I am never released,
And yet I am used by almost every person.
What am I?Answer: Pencil
I can be opened but not touched,
I can be closed but not locked.
What am I?Answer: Book
I go all around the world,
But always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I have a face but no eyes,
I tell time but cannot talk.
What am I?Answer: Clock
I get wetter the more I dry.
What am I?Answer: Towel
I have a neck but no head,
I have two arms but no hands.
What am I?Answer: Shirt
I speak without a mouth,
And hear without ears,
I have no body, but I come alive with wind.
What am I?Answer: Echo
I have cities, but no houses,
I have forests, but no trees,
And I have rivers, but no water.
What am I?Answer: Map
I am white when I am dirty,
And black when I am clean.
What am I?Answer: Blackboard
I am always in front of you,
But you can never see me.
What am I?Answer: Future
I am invisible,
But you can feel me,
I can be light, but I weigh a ton.
What am I?Answer: Air
I am a box with no hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
What am I?Answer: Egg
I am a place where you can be in,
But you can never leave,
I can be built up but never fixed,
What am I?Answer: Prison
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I am something you can eat,
But I am not a fruit or meat,
You can have me in a bowl,
But I’m not soup,
What am I?Answer: Cereal
I am a place for rest,
But not for sleep.
What am I?Answer: Bench
I am not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I have legs but can’t walk,
I have a back but can’t talk.
What am I?Answer: Chair
I am not alive,
But I can grow,
I don’t have lungs,
But I need air.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I can be smooth or rough,
I am full of holes,
But I can still hold weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I have a tail but no body,
I have a head but no brain,
I go up and down,
But never in a train.
What am I?Answer: Elevator
I am a place where you go to relax,
I am soft and fluffy,
But I am not a bed.
What am I?Answer: Pillow
I can be opened and shut,
But I am not a door,
I can carry things,
But I am not a bag.
What am I?Answer: Box
I’m round and full of air,
You can kick me everywhere.
What am I?Answer: Ball
I have a mouth, but no tongue,
I can sing, but I don’t hum.
What am I?Answer: River
I have no legs, but I can run,
I have no arms, but I can hold a gun.
What am I?Answer: River
I can be seen in the sky,
But I’m not a bird or plane,
I disappear at night,
And come back with rain.
What am I?Answer: Cloud
(Editor’s Pick What am i Riddles and Answers)
I am not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I have keys but open no doors,
I have space but no floors.
What am I?Answer: Keyboard
I’m tall when I’m young,
And short when I’m old.
What am I?Answer: Candle
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I have a neck but no head,
I have two arms but no hands.
What am I?Answer: Shirt
I have a face but no eyes,
I tell time but cannot talk.
What am I?Answer: Clock
I am full of holes but can hold a lot of weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I go all around the world but always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I speak without a mouth,
And hear without ears,
I have no body, but I come alive with wind.
What am I?Answer: Echo
I have cities, but no houses,
Forests, but no trees,
And rivers, but no water.
What am I?Answer: Map
I have one eye but cannot see.
What am I?Answer: Needle
I am invisible,
But you can feel me,
I can be light, but I weigh a ton.
What am I?Answer: Air
I am a box with no hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.
What am I?Answer: Egg
I can be opened but not touched,
I can be closed but not locked.
What am I?Answer: Book
I have a tail but no body,
I have a head but no brain,
I go up and down,
But never in a train.
What am I?Answer: Elevator
I can be long or short,
I can be grown or bought,
I can be painted or left bare,
I can be round or square.
What am I?Answer: Nail
I’m round and full of air,
You can kick me everywhere.
What am I?Answer: Ball
I am always in front of you,
But you can never see me.
What am I?Answer: Future
I can be smooth or rough,
I am full of holes,
But I can still hold weight.
What am I?Answer: Sponge
I get wetter the more I dry.
What am I?Answer: Towel
I am not alive,
But I can grow,
I don’t have lungs,
But I need air.
What am I?Answer: Fire
I have no legs, but I can run,
I have no arms, but I can hold a gun.
What am I?Answer: River
Enhance Your Puzzle Skills: Discover more “What Am I” riddles and improve your problem-solving skills at BrainBashers.
I can travel around the world,
But always stay in the corner.
What am I?Answer: Stamp
I have a mouth, but I cannot talk,
I have a bed but do not sleep,
I run but never walk.
What am I?Answer: River
I am something that can be cracked,
Made, told, and played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I am something you can eat,
But I am not a fruit or meat,
You can have me in a bowl,
But I’m not soup,
What am I?Answer: Cereal
I am a place where you can be in,
But you can never leave,
I can be built up but never fixed,
What am I?Answer: Prison
I am a place for rest,
But not for sleep.
What am I?Answer: Bench
I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?Answer: Joke
I am always with you,
But you never see me.
What am I?Answer: Shadow
I have no eyes, no ears, but I can tell you the weather.
What am I?Answer: Wind
Final Thoughts!
Well done, riddle solver! Whether you solved them all or found a few tricky ones, we hope you enjoyed these 100+ “What Am I” riddles.
There’s always something satisfying about cracking a tough puzzle, right? If you’re still hungry for more challenges, we’ve got plenty of exciting riddles and brain teasers waiting for you!
Get into our other articles for more fun ways to test your wit and keep your mind sharp. Stay curious, keep solving, and let the riddles continue. We can’t wait to see you back for more!