120+ Ancient Sphinx Riddles You Won’t Be Able to Forget!

120+ Ancient Sphinx Riddles You Won’t Be Able to Forget!

The Sphinx was known for guarding secrets with its riddles, and now it’s your turn to face the challenge! These 120+ Sphinx riddles will test your knowledge, problem-solving skills, and ability to think outside the box.

With each riddle, you’ll feel like you’re unlocking a piece of ancient wisdom. Whether you’re solving them solo or sharing with friends, get ready for a thrilling mental workout.

From classic riddles to more complex ones, these will keep you on your toes. Think you’ve got what it takes to crack them all? Let’s find out together!

(Classic Sphinx Riddles)

(Classic Sphinx Riddles)

Classic Sphinx riddles have stood the test of time, offering mysterious challenges that date back to ancient Greece. These riddles were meant to stump even the wisest minds. Ready to test your wits?

I have a face but no eyes,
I have a mouth but no voice,
I stand still but never stop,
What am I?

Answer: Statue

I speak without a sound,
I answer with a touch,
I can be heard from miles away,
But only if you ask enough.
What am I?

Answer: Echo

I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?

Answer: A Joke

I am tall when I am young,
I am short when I am old,
I glow with warmth and light,
But I do not burn.
What am I?

Answer: A Candle

I can fly without wings,
I can cry without eyes,
Wherever I go, darkness flies,
What am I?

Answer: A Cloud

I can be touched but not seen,
I can be moved but not touched,
I can be heard but not spoken,
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

The more you take, the more you leave behind,
What am I?

Answer: Footsteps

I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute,
What am I?

Answer: Breath

I am always in front of you but can’t be seen,
I am where you are headed,
But never quite there.
What am I?

Answer: The Future


Discover Riddles for All Interests: From Cake Riddles to Weather Riddles, or even the humorous Bathroom Riddles, we also offer Writing Riddles and Garden Riddles for a mix of fun and learning!


I’m always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red.
What am I?

Answer: Fire

I have keys but open no locks,
I have space but no room,
I have a face but no eyes,
What am I?

Answer: A Keyboard

I have a heart that doesn’t beat,
I have a mouth that never speaks,
I have legs but never walk,
What am I?

Answer: An Artichoke

I have a neck but no head,
I wear a cap but have no hair,
I have a body but no arms or legs,
What am I?

Answer: A Bottle

I am full of holes but can still hold water,
What am I?

Answer: A Sponge

I get wetter the more I dry,
What am I?

Answer: A Towel

I am something,
But you can never find me unless you lose me,
What am I?

Answer: Your Shadow

I start with “e” and end with “e”,
But only contain one letter,
What am I?

Answer: An Envelope

I run but never walk,
I have a bed but never sleep,
I have a mouth but never eat,
What am I?

Answer: A River

I am always with you but never seen,
I change shapes but never disappear,
What am I?

Answer: The Moon

I am taken by the world,
I am given by the world,
I am the key to the mind,
But I can’t be seen, only felt.
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I have no legs but move,
I have no wings but soar,
I don’t have eyes but I see,
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

I am your voice but not your sound,
I can make a statement but not be heard,
What am I?

Answer: A Sign

I stand in a field of green,
I can be eaten or made into wine,
What am I?

Answer: Grapes

I’m something you can hold without touching,
I can be as tall as a mountain or as short as a whisper,
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I am seen with the eyes,
But not made of flesh,
I can take you far,
But I don’t move.
What am I?

Answer: A Dream

I get bigger the more I am shared,
But I disappear when kept to myself,
What am I?

Answer: A Secret

I am a king without a crown,
I control the earth but never leave it,
What am I?

Answer: The Sun

I can tell you everything but say nothing,
I can be read but never spoken,
What am I?

Answer: A Book

I can be broken but never held,
I am powerful but can’t be seen,
What am I?

Answer: A Promise

I have hands but no arms,
I have a face but no eyes,
I keep track of time but never age,
What am I?

Answer: A Clock

I come once in a year,
I can’t be seen but I’m everywhere,
What am I?

Answer: A Birthday

I can be seen in the sky,
But I never fly,
I am made of colors,
But I never die.
What am I?

Answer: A Rainbow

I can be eaten but not chewed,
I can be found on the ground,
But I am not food,
What am I?

Answer: A Seed

I am lighter than air but still heavy to lift,
I can travel far but never leave home,
What am I?

Answer: A Balloon

I am the mirror of the earth,
I am always wet but never wet enough,
What am I?

Answer: The Ocean

I can go up but never down,
I can be bright but never dark,
What am I?

Answer: A Balloon

I am what makes the world spin,
I am what powers the wind,
What am I?

Answer: Energy

I can create anything from a tiny drop,
I am a source of life for all,
What am I?

Answer: Water

(Best Sphinx Riddles)

(Best Sphinx Riddles)

The best Sphinx riddles combine wit, mystery, and timeless charm. These tricky brainteasers will push your imagination and challenge your problem-solving skills. Think you can crack them?

I have a heart that doesn’t beat,
I have a mouth that doesn’t speak,
I have legs but cannot walk,
What am I?

Answer: An Artichoke

I have keys but open no locks,
I have space but no room,
I have a face but no eyes,
What am I?

Answer: A Keyboard

I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?

Answer: A Joke

I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute,
What am I?

Answer: Breath

The more you take, the more you leave behind,
What am I?

Answer: Footsteps

I have a neck but no head,
I wear a cap but have no hair,
I have a body but no arms or legs,
What am I?

Answer: A Bottle

I am full of holes but can still hold water,
What am I?

Answer: A Sponge

I speak without a sound,
I answer with a touch,
I can be heard from miles away,
But only if you ask enough.
What am I?

Answer: Echo

I can fly without wings,
I can cry without eyes,
Wherever I go, darkness flies,
What am I?

Answer: A Cloud

I’m always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch,
Will soon turn red.
What am I?

Answer: Fire

I start with “e” and end with “e,”
But only contain one letter,
What am I?

Answer: An Envelope

I am always in front of you but can’t be seen,
I am where you are headed,
But never quite there.
What am I?

Answer: The Future

I run but never walk,
I have a bed but never sleep,
I have a mouth but never eat,
What am I?

Answer: A River

I am taken by the world,
I am given by the world,
I am the key to the mind,
But I can’t be seen, only felt.
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I am a king without a crown,
I control the earth but never leave it,
What am I?

Answer: The Sun

I am small and round,
A jewel that sparkles all around,
What am I?

Answer: A Pearl

I am bright but never burn,
I light up the world,
But I don’t feel warmth.
What am I?

Answer: The Moon

I get bigger the more I am shared,
But I disappear when kept to myself,
What am I?

Answer: A Secret

I am a treasure,
That you can’t hold,
You can spend me or lose me,
But I’m not bought or sold.
What am I?

Answer: Time

I can be eaten but not chewed,
I can be found on the ground,
But I am not food,
What am I?

Answer: A Seed

I can be touched but not seen,
I can be moved but not touched,
I can be heard but not spoken,
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

I am what makes the world spin,
I am what powers the wind,
What am I?

Answer: Energy

I am everywhere but can never be seen,
I am the key to life,
But I am only a dream.
What am I?

Answer: Air

I can tell you everything but say nothing,
I can be read but never spoken,
What am I?

Answer: A Book

I stand tall but have no legs,
I have a face but no eyes,
I hold time within me,
What am I?

Answer: A Clock

I am seen with the eyes,
But not made of flesh,
I can take you far,
But I don’t move.
What am I?

Answer: A Dream

I am something,
But you can never find me unless you lose me,
What am I?

Answer: Your Shadow

I get wetter the more I dry,
What am I?

Answer: A Towel

I am tall when I am young,
I am short when I am old,
I glow with warmth and light,
But I do not burn.
What am I?

Answer: A Candle

I am round but never a ball,
I have a ring but not a sound,
I cannot be seen, but I can make you fall.
What am I?

Answer: A Hole

I can go up but never down,
I can be bright but never dark,
What am I?

Answer: A Balloon

I am always with you but never seen,
I change shapes but never disappear,
What am I?

Answer: The Moon

I am round, shiny, and never dull,
On your finger, I fit quite full,
What am I?

Answer: Ring

I am a gift, never to be touched,
I carry a meaning, always much,
What am I?

Answer: A Promise

I am always there, but hard to find,
I am invisible, yet bind the mind,
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I am a circle, but never a wheel,
I can be closed but never sealed,
What am I?

Answer: A Ring

(Sphinx Riddles for Kids and Adults)

(Sphinx Riddles for Kids and Adults)

Sphinx riddles come in all difficulty levels, making them perfect for both kids and adults. Whether you’re looking for something simple or a bit more complex, these riddles are fun for all ages.

I am not alive, but I grow;
I don’t have lungs, but I need air;
I don’t have a mouth, and I can drown.
What am I?

Answer: Fire

I am tall when I am young,
And short when I am old.
What am I?

Answer: A Candle

I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?

Answer: A Joke

I’m not alive, but I grow;
I don’t have lungs, but I need air;
I don’t have a mouth, and I can drown.
What am I?

Answer: Fire

I have keys but open no locks,
I have space but no room,
I have a face but no eyes.
What am I?

Answer: A Keyboard

I speak without a sound,
I can answer with a touch,
I can be heard from miles away,
But only if you ask enough.
What am I?

Answer: Echo

I have a face but no eyes,
I have a mouth but no voice,
I stand still but never stop.
What am I?

Answer: A Statue

I can be touched but not seen,
I can be moved but not touched,
I can be heard but not spoken,
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

I am always in front of you but can’t be seen,
I am where you are headed,
But never quite there.
What am I?

Answer: The Future

I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute.
What am I?

Answer: Breath

The more you take, the more you leave behind.
What am I?

Answer: Footsteps

I run but never walk,
I have a bed but never sleep,
I have a mouth but never eat.
What am I?

Answer: A River

I get wetter the more I dry.
What am I?

Answer: A Towel

I am full of holes but can still hold water.
What am I?

Answer: A Sponge

I have a neck but no head,
I wear a cap but have no hair,
I have a body but no arms or legs.
What am I?

Answer: A Bottle

I am something,
But you can never find me unless you lose me.
What am I?

Answer: Your Shadow

I start with “e” and end with “e,”
But only contain one letter.
What am I?

Answer: An Envelope

I am always with you but never seen,
I change shapes but never disappear.
What am I?

Answer: The Moon

I am a king without a crown,
I control the earth but never leave it.
What am I?

Answer: The Sun

I am seen with the eyes,
But not made of flesh,
I can take you far,
But I don’t move.
What am I?

Answer: A Dream

I have no legs but move,
I have no wings but soar,
I don’t have eyes but I see.
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

I am a circle that has no end,
I’m often a symbol of love.
What am I?

Answer: A Ring

I am always hungry,
I must always be fed,
The finger I touch will soon turn red.
What am I?

Answer: Fire

I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?

Answer: A Joke

I can tell you everything but say nothing.
I can be read but never spoken.
What am I?

Answer: A Book

I am something you can hold without touching,
I can be as tall as a mountain or as short as a whisper.
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I can be eaten but not chewed,
I can be found on the ground,
But I am not food.
What am I?

Answer: A Seed

I get bigger the more I am shared,
But I disappear when kept to myself.
What am I?

Answer: A Secret

I am a treasure,
I can make a wish come true.
I am something you always hope to have.
What am I?

Answer: A Star

I am small and round,
But when you look at me, you may see a whole world.
What am I?

Answer: A Marble

I am not alive, but I can grow.
I don’t have a mouth, but I can drown.
What am I?

Answer: A Plant

I shine in the night sky,
But I never make a sound.
What am I?

Answer: A Star

I’m something that has keys but doesn’t unlock doors,
I can be played, but I am not a toy.
What am I?

Answer: A Piano

I can be seen in the sky,
But I never fly,
I am made of colors,
But I never die.
What am I?

Answer: A Rainbow

I run but never walk,
I have a bed but never sleep.
What am I?

Answer: A River

I am taken by the world,
I am given by the world,
I am the key to the mind,
But I can’t be seen, only felt.
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I have no mouth but can speak,
I have no ears but can hear,
I have no body but can be felt.
What am I?

Answer: A Voice

I can be eaten but never chewed,
I am found on the ground,
But I am not food.
What am I?

Answer: A Seed

(Editor’s Pick Sphinx Riddles and Answers)

(Editor’s Pick Sphinx Riddles and Answers)

Our editor’s pick of Sphinx riddles features the most mind-bending and clever puzzles. With answers included, these riddles will not only challenge you but also offer insightful solutions. Ready to solve?

I have a face but no eyes,
I have a mouth but no voice,
I stand still but never stop.
What am I?

Answer: A Statue

I am light as a feather,
Yet the strongest man can’t hold me for much longer than a minute.
What am I?

Answer: Breath

The more you take, the more you leave behind.
What am I?

Answer: Footsteps

I am not alive, but I grow,
I don’t have lungs, but I need air,
I don’t have a mouth, and I can drown.
What am I?

Answer: Fire

I can be cracked,
I can be made,
I can be told,
I can be played.
What am I?

Answer: A Joke

I can be touched but not seen,
I can be moved but not touched,
I can be heard but not spoken.
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

I run but never walk,
I have a bed but never sleep,
I have a mouth but never eat.
What am I?

Answer: A River

I speak without a sound,
I can answer with a touch,
I can be heard from miles away,
But only if you ask enough.
What am I?

Answer: Echo

I can be eaten but not chewed,
I can be found on the ground,
But I am not food.
What am I?

Answer: A Seed

I have keys but open no locks,
I have space but no room,
I have a face but no eyes.
What am I?

Answer: A Keyboard

I get wetter the more I dry.
What am I?

Answer: A Towel


Unravel Sphinx Riddles: Explore the legendary riddles of the Sphinx and their cultural significance at Ancient History Encyclopedia.


I have a neck but no head,
I wear a cap but have no hair,
I have a body but no arms or legs.
What am I?

Answer: A Bottle

I am full of holes but can still hold water.
What am I?

Answer: A Sponge

I am always with you but never seen,
I change shapes but never disappear.
What am I?

Answer: The Moon

I am always in front of you but can’t be seen,
I am where you are headed,
But never quite there.
What am I?

Answer: The Future

I am taken by the world,
I am given by the world,
I am the key to the mind,
But I can’t be seen, only felt.
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I start with “e” and end with “e,”
But only contain one letter.
What am I?

Answer: An Envelope

I have no legs but move,
I have no wings but soar,
I don’t have eyes but I see.
What am I?

Answer: The Wind

I can tell you everything but say nothing.
I can be read but never spoken.
What am I?

Answer: A Book

I am something you can hold without touching,
I can be as tall as a mountain or as short as a whisper.
What am I?

Answer: A Thought

I am small and round,
But when you look at me, you may see a whole world.
What am I?

Answer: A Marble

I can create anything from a tiny drop,
I am a source of life for all.
What am I?

Answer: Water

I am a circle that has no end,
I’m often a symbol of love.
What am I?

Answer: A Ring

I am full of holes but can hold water,
I am not alive but can grow,
What am I?

Answer: A Sponge

I am a king without a crown,
I control the earth but never leave it.
What am I?

Answer: The Sun

I am something,
But you can never find me unless you lose me.
What am I?

Answer: Your Shadow

I can tell you everything but say nothing,
I can be read but never spoken.
What am I?

Answer: A Book

I have no mouth but can speak,
I have no ears but can hear,
I have no body but can be felt.
What am I?

Answer: A Voice

I can be eaten but never chewed,
I am found on the ground,
But I am not food.
What am I?

Answer: A Seed

I am seen with the eyes,
But not made of flesh,
I can take you far,
But I don’t move.
What am I?

Answer: A Dream

Final Thoughts!

And that’s a wrap on the 120+ Sphinx riddles! You’ve unlocked ancient secrets and given your brain a workout. Whether you got them all or had to think twice on a few, it’s all part of the fun.

But don’t leave just yet there’s so much more to explore! If you love riddles, puzzles, or challenges of any kind, check out our other articles for more mind-bending fun.

The world of riddles never ends, and there’s always a new puzzle waiting for you. Thanks for reading, and we hope to see you back for more!

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