111+ Thought-Provoking Bible Riddles for True Scripture Lovers

111+ Thought-Provoking Bible Riddles for True Scripture Lovers

Who says learning the Bible can’t be fun? These 111+ Bible riddles are packed with clever wordplay and thought-provoking twists that will keep you on your toes.

Whether you’re looking to test your knowledge, challenge friends, or explore the scripture in a new way, these riddles are the perfect solution.

Some riddles might be tricky, but the answers will leave you with fresh insights and deeper understanding. So, why not give your brain a workout and dive into these Bible riddles? You’ll be amazed at how much fun faith and riddles can mix!

(Classic Bible Riddles)

(Classic Bible Riddles)

Classic Bible riddles offer timeless challenges that test your knowledge of scripture in a fun and engaging way. These riddles have been passed down through generations, sparking curiosity and deepening understanding. Perfect for Bible lovers who enjoy blending faith with fun!


I was swallowed by a big fish,
For three days and nights, I was in its wish.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I parted the sea to set my people free,
With a staff in hand, they followed me.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I had a dream of seven fat cows and seven lean,
I interpreted the vision, and it was seen.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I was the first man, made from dust,
In the garden, I learned to trust.
Who am I?

Answer: Adam

I was turned into a pillar of salt,
For looking back, I faced the fault.
Who am I?

Answer: Lot’s Wife

I was a boy who defeated a giant,
With a stone and a sling, I was defiant.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I betrayed Jesus with a kiss,
And thirty pieces of silver was my bliss.
Who am I?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

I was the first woman, created from man,
In the garden, I had a plan.
Who am I?

Answer: Eve

I denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed,
But I later became a rock on which He sowed.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I built an ark to survive a great flood,
With animals two by two, and God’s love.
Who am I?

Answer: Noah

I walked on water when I saw Jesus near,
But fear made me sink, until He came here.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter


Find the Perfect Riddle: From clever Dog Riddles to mysterious Egg Riddles, Giraffe Riddles, and Coffin Riddles, we have puzzles for everyone to enjoy!


I was the last judge of Israel,
And appointed kings, as God’s will would tell.
Who am I?

Answer: Samuel

I was a man of great strength,
But my hair was my downfall in length.
Who am I?

Answer: Samson

I wrote the Psalms, with songs and prayer,
I was a king, a man with care.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I am the book of love and song,
A poem of beauty, where hearts belong.
What book am I?

Answer: Song of Solomon

I am the wise king, known for my judgment,
With a famous story of two women and their payment.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I was swallowed by a whale, for my disobedience,
But I prayed to God for my deliverance.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I saw a burning bush and heard God’s voice,
I was called to lead the people, by divine choice.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I was the first to see the risen Lord,
I ran to tell the others, His word.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

I was a tax collector, but I followed Jesus’ call,
I became a disciple, and answered the call.
Who am I?

Answer: Matthew

I was a prophet in the land of Judah,
And warned of destruction in a fiery manner.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was the young prophet who never saw death,
Taken by God, with a fiery chariot’s breath.
Who am I?

Answer: Elijah

I was swallowed by a great fish for three days,
But after repenting, I followed God’s ways.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I was the man who dreamt of a ladder to heaven,
Angels ascending and descending, a vision given.
Who am I?

Answer: Jacob

I helped hide Israel’s spies in Jericho,
And my faith in God did surely grow.
Who am I?

Answer: Rahab

I faced a lion’s den, and trusted God above,
He protected me with His grace and love.
Who am I?

Answer: Daniel

I turned water into wine at a wedding feast,
I revealed God’s power to the very least.
Who am I?

Answer: Jesus

I am the first book of the Bible, filled with the law,
And the story of creation, with many to draw.
What book am I?

Answer: Genesis

I was a man of great faith, though tested,
I lost everything, but remained invested.
Who am I?

Answer: Job

I was a shepherd boy who became a king,
Known for my harp and the songs I sing.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I led the Israelites into the Promised Land,
With faith in God, I took a stand.
Who am I?

Answer: Joshua

I saw a vision of four horsemen,
A sign of judgment that would soon begin.
Who am I?

Answer: John (The Revelation)

I was a rich man, but I gave it all away,
To follow Jesus and walk in His way.
Who am I?

Answer: Zacchaeus

I gave birth to a son, a miracle indeed,
I prayed to God, and He met my need.
Who am I?

Answer: Hannah

I was the man who wrestled with God,
And received a new name from the divine nod.
Who am I?

Answer: Jacob

I was the woman who washed Jesus’ feet,
With my hair, I made His presence complete.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary (sister of Lazarus)

I was the king who asked for wisdom,
And was granted riches, peace, and freedom.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I was a woman who turned bitter and sad,
But God turned my grief into joy, so glad.
Who am I?

Answer: Naomi

I was the first to declare Jesus’ resurrection,
A woman of great devotion and affection.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

I stood at the cross, near my Son,
As He gave His life for everyone.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary (mother of Jesus)

I was a prophet who ate a scroll,
My words were a burning fire in my soul.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was the man with a dream and coat of many colors,
I was sold by my brothers and faced many bothers.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I am the bread of life, come down from heaven,
Whoever comes to me will be given.
Who am I?

Answer: Jesus

(Best Bible Riddles)

(Best Bible Riddles)

The best Bible riddles combine clever wordplay with powerful spiritual lessons, making them perfect for anyone looking to test their biblical knowledge. From stories of old to modern interpretations, these riddles will keep you engaged and thinking. Ready to take on the challenge?


I was swallowed by a great fish,
For three days and nights, I was in its wish.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I built an ark to survive a flood,
And saved every creature from the mud.
Who am I?

Answer: Noah

I was the youngest son of Jacob,
And wore a coat of many colors.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I parted the Red Sea with my staff,
And led my people to freedom with a laugh.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I was a shepherd boy who defeated a giant,
With a sling and a stone, I was defiant.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I betrayed Jesus with a kiss,
For thirty pieces of silver, I made the miss.
Who am I?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

I was the first man, made from dust,
In the garden, I learned to trust.
Who am I?

Answer: Adam

I was the first woman, created from man,
In the garden, I had a plan.
Who am I?

Answer: Eve

I denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed,
But I later became a rock on which He sowed.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I am the book of love, poetry, and song,
A celebration of beauty, where hearts belong.
What book am I?

Answer: Song of Solomon

I was the man who was taken by a chariot of fire,
To heaven without death, lifting me higher.
Who am I?

Answer: Elijah

I was swallowed by a whale for my disobedience,
But I prayed to God for my deliverance.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I saw a vision of a ladder to heaven,
Angels ascending and descending, a sight given.
Who am I?

Answer: Jacob

I was a prophet who spoke of God’s wrath,
And saw visions of fire, a fiery path.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I am the wise king who judged two mothers right,
And built a temple with all my might.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I had a dream of seven cows and seven sheaves,
I interpreted it, and brought relief.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I was a man of great strength,
But my hair was my downfall at length.
Who am I?

Answer: Samson

I was the first to see Jesus after He rose,
I was filled with joy as my faith grows.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

I was a tax collector who became a disciple,
Following Jesus, no longer cynical.
Who am I?

Answer: Matthew

I was a prophet who ate a scroll,
My words were a burning fire in my soul.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was turned into a pillar of salt,
For looking back, I faced the fault.
Who am I?

Answer: Lot’s Wife

I was a woman who washed Jesus’ feet,
With my hair, I made His presence complete.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary (sister of Lazarus)

I wrote the Psalms, with songs and prayer,
I was a king, a man with care.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I led the Israelites into the Promised Land,
With faith in God, I took a stand.
Who am I?

Answer: Joshua

I was the man who wrestled with God,
And received a new name from the divine nod.
Who am I?

Answer: Jacob

I was the woman who hid the Israelite spies,
And helped them escape with my great ties.
Who am I?

Answer: Rahab

I stood in a fiery furnace, unburned,
My faith in God had brightly burned.
Who am I?

Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

I helped carry the cross on the way to Golgotha,
I was a passerby, but I helped the Messiah.
Who am I?

Answer: Simon of Cyrene

I came to Jesus by night to learn,
And He told me how to be born again in turn.
Who am I?

Answer: Nicodemus

I was a prophet in the land of Judah,
And warned of destruction with a fiery mantra.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was the man who denied Jesus three times,
But after His resurrection, I climbed.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I was a rich man, but I gave it all away,
To follow Jesus and walk in His way.
Who am I?

Answer: Zacchaeus

I was the woman who prayed for a child,
And when I gave birth, my joy was wild.
Who am I?

Answer: Hannah

I turned water into wine at a wedding feast,
A miracle from Jesus, the Holy Priest.
Who am I?

Answer: Jesus

I was a king who ruled from the throne,
But I chose to follow God’s word alone.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I was the blind man whom Jesus healed,
By faith, I could see and my wounds were sealed.
Who am I?

Answer: Bartimaeus

I was a woman who traveled far,
To see the king and gave him gifts from afar.
Who am I?

Answer: Queen of Sheba

I saw a burning bush and heard God’s voice,
I was called to lead the people, by divine choice.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I was a man of great faith,
And became a father at an old age.
Who am I?

Answer: Abraham

I was the one who fell off my horse,
And had a vision of God’s divine course.
Who am I?

Answer: Saul (Paul)

(Bible Riddles for Kids and Adults)

(Bible Riddles for Kids and Adults)

Bible riddles for both kids and adults bring families and friends together while offering an enjoyable way to explore the scriptures. Easy to understand yet thought-provoking, these riddles appeal to all ages. Everyone can have fun learning and growing in their faith!


I was the first man, made from dust,
In the garden, I learned to trust.
Who am I?

Answer: Adam

I built an ark to survive a flood,
And saved every creature from the mud.
Who am I?

Answer: Noah

I was swallowed by a great fish,
For three days and nights, I was in its wish.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I was the youngest son of Jacob,
And wore a coat of many colors.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I parted the Red Sea with my staff,
And led my people to freedom with a laugh.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I was a shepherd boy who defeated a giant,
With a sling and a stone, I was defiant.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I betrayed Jesus with a kiss,
For thirty pieces of silver, I made the miss.
Who am I?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

I was the first woman, created from man,
In the garden, I had a plan.
Who am I?

Answer: Eve

I denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed,
But I later became a rock on which He sowed.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I am the book of love, poetry, and song,
A celebration of beauty, where hearts belong.
What book am I?

Answer: Song of Solomon

I was the man who was taken by a chariot of fire,
To heaven without death, lifting me higher.
Who am I?

Answer: Elijah

I was a prophet who spoke of God’s wrath,
And saw visions of fire, a fiery path.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was the wise king who judged two mothers right,
And built a temple with all my might.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I had a dream of seven cows and seven sheaves,
I interpreted it, and brought relief.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I was a man of great strength,
But my hair was my downfall at length.
Who am I?

Answer: Samson

I was the first to see Jesus after He rose,
I was filled with joy as my faith grows.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

I was a tax collector who became a disciple,
Following Jesus, no longer cynical.
Who am I?

Answer: Matthew

I was the man who wrestled with God,
And received a new name from the divine nod.
Who am I?

Answer: Jacob

I was the woman who hid the Israelite spies,
And helped them escape with my great ties.
Who am I?

Answer: Rahab

I stood in a fiery furnace, unburned,
My faith in God had brightly burned.
Who am I?

Answer: Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

I helped carry the cross on the way to Golgotha,
I was a passerby, but I helped the Messiah.
Who am I?

Answer: Simon of Cyrene

I came to Jesus by night to learn,
And He told me how to be born again in turn.
Who am I?

Answer: Nicodemus

I was a prophet in the land of Judah,
And warned of destruction with a fiery mantra.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was the man who denied Jesus three times,
But after His resurrection, I climbed.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I was a rich man, but I gave it all away,
To follow Jesus and walk in His way.
Who am I?

Answer: Zacchaeus

I was the woman who prayed for a child,
And when I gave birth, my joy was wild.
Who am I?

Answer: Hannah

I turned water into wine at a wedding feast,
A miracle from Jesus, the Holy Priest.
Who am I?

Answer: Jesus

I was a king who ruled from the throne,
But I chose to follow God’s word alone.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I was the blind man whom Jesus healed,
By faith, I could see and my wounds were sealed.
Who am I?

Answer: Bartimaeus

I was a woman who traveled far,
To see the king and gave him gifts from afar.
Who am I?

Answer: Queen of Sheba

I saw a burning bush and heard God’s voice,
I was called to lead the people, by divine choice.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I was a man of great faith,
And became a father at an old age.
Who am I?

Answer: Abraham

I was the one who fell off my horse,
And had a vision of God’s divine course.
Who am I?

Answer: Saul (Paul)

(Editor’s Pick Bible Riddles and Answers)

(Editor’s Pick Bible Riddles and Answers)

Our editor’s pick of Bible riddles brings together the most challenging and intriguing questions to test your biblical knowledge. With answers to follow, these riddles are sure to inspire and entertain. Whether you’re a beginner or a Bible expert, these riddles are a must-try!


I was swallowed by a great fish,
For three days and nights, I was in its wish.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I was the first man, made from dust,
In the garden, I learned to trust.
Who am I?

Answer: Adam

I parted the Red Sea with my staff,
And led my people to freedom with a laugh.
Who am I?

Answer: Moses

I had a dream of seven fat cows and seven lean,
I interpreted the vision, and it was seen.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I was the boy who defeated a giant,
With a stone and a sling, I was defiant.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I betrayed Jesus with a kiss,
And thirty pieces of silver was my bliss.
Who am I?

Answer: Judas Iscariot

I was the first woman, created from man,
In the garden, I had a plan.
Who am I?

Answer: Eve

I denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed,
But I later became a rock on which He sowed.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I was a prophet who walked with God,
I was taken up in a whirlwind, leaving all in awe.
Who am I?

Answer: Elijah

I was swallowed by a whale for my disobedience,
But I repented and followed God’s obedience.
Who am I?

Answer: Jonah

I built an ark to survive the flood,
And saved all the creatures from the mud.
Who am I?

Answer: Noah

I was the one who wrestled with God,
And received a new name from the divine nod.
Who am I?

Answer: Jacob

I was the wise king, famous for my judgment,
I built a temple, the Lord’s holy covenant.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I was a shepherd who became a king,
Known for my harp and the songs I sing.
Who am I?

Answer: David

I was the rich man who came down from the tree,
To meet Jesus and be set free.
Who am I?

Answer: Zacchaeus

I was the man who turned water into wine,
A miracle of Christ, divine and fine.
Who am I?

Answer: Jesus

I was a king who asked for wisdom,
And I ruled with peace and freedom.
Who am I?

Answer: Solomon

I denied my Lord three times,
But later, I became His foundation for all times.
Who am I?

Answer: Peter

I was a woman who washed Jesus’ feet,
With my hair, I made His presence complete.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary (sister of Lazarus)

I am the bread of life, come down from heaven,
Whoever comes to me will be given.
Who am I?

Answer: Jesus

I was a prophet who spoke of a coming King,
And foretold of a new covenant that He would bring.
Who am I?

Answer: Isaiah

I was the king who had a dream of a golden statue,
And none could interpret it but the faithful few.
Who am I?

Answer: Nebuchadnezzar


Discover the Bible’s Impact: Learn about how the Bible has influenced culture and society at The British Library.


I helped hide Israel’s spies in Jericho,
And my faith in God did surely grow.
Who am I?

Answer: Rahab

I was the first to see the risen Lord,
And told the disciples of His glorious word.
Who am I?

Answer: Mary Magdalene

I was a boy, gifted with dreams from God,
My brothers sold me, but I rose to the top against all odds.
Who am I?

Answer: Joseph

I carried the cross for Jesus that fateful day,
And helped Him on His way.
Who am I?

Answer: Simon of Cyrene

I was a man who was blind but now can see,
I trusted in Jesus, who healed me.
Who am I?

Answer: Bartimaeus

I was the queen who visited Solomon,
To see his wisdom and the riches he won.
Who am I?

Answer: Queen of Sheba

I was the prophet who foretold the fall of Jerusalem,
But I trusted in God through all the torment.
Who am I?

Answer: Jeremiah

I was a tax collector who became a follower of Christ,
I wrote a gospel that has lasted for life.
Who am I?

Answer: Matthew

I led the Israelites into the Promised Land,
With courage and strength, I took a stand.
Who am I?

Answer: Joshua

I was a man of great strength,
But my hair was my downfall at length.
Who am I?

Answer: Samson

Final Thoughts!

You did it well done! These 111+ Bible riddles were more than just fun brain teasers; they helped you dive deeper into the wisdom of the Bible.

Whether you solved them all or got stumped by a few, we hope they sparked your curiosity and challenged your thinking. Want more Bible fun and insightful content?

We’ve got a treasure trove of articles waiting for you, packed with more riddles, stories, and wisdom to explore. Keep your brain sharp and your faith growing stay tuned for more exciting articles!

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